
What are Perfect Foods? It must have lots of health advantages, have great taste and flexible. Her are my 6 favorites…

Do you remember you were being told to eat your spinach? It’s not an old wives tale, it’s true! Spinach leaves (and all dark, green leafy veggies actually), are the king of vegetables. Loaded with water-soluble vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B6), fat-soluble vitamins (K, A, E), minerals (potassium, zinc, folate, magnesium) and other less typical nutrients (chlorophyll and alpha-lipoic acid amongst others), makes spinach a health-balancing and very healthy food.

It is tasty and versatile too, raw, prepared or in salads, mixed to casseroles and healthy smoothies, for nutrition, color and taste. Some of the advantages associated with spinach consist of, diabetes management, skin, hair and bone health, cancer and asthma avoidance and reducing blood pressure (MedicalNewsToday.com).

We all hear that Salmon is a great source of Omega 3. Is that what salmon is really all about? A 4oz slice of good-quality, wild salmon includes, 236% of your daily B12, 128% of your vitamin D, 78% selenium, 52% phosphorous and 21% of your daily iodine, amongst many more (WHFoods.com). Salmon is also an exceptionally flexible fish, it can be prepared, broiled, baked, grilled, ground and used from a can. Lots of ways to include it in your diet plan and get some of those wonderful nutrients! Supper tonight, anyone?

Raw Honey
Most of time, we believe Nature’s foods are all gloom and doom. Mostly true, except Raw Honey. Craving for something sweet or sugar? Have some Raw Honey instead of candy. It has a lower Glycaemic Index than sugar, suggesting that the sugar is soaked up gradually in our digestive systems, not triggering a high (and unhealthy) insulin response. It likewise includes decent amounts of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants, making it an excellent choice of sweetener (BenefitsofHoney.com).

There aren’t really any naturally found foods which are blue like blueberries. That’s possibly exactly what makes blueberries unique. Convenient, just eat them by the handful, and delicious, include them to healthy smoothies, fruit salads and muffins (mmmm …), these are the queen of fruits! High in anti-oxidants, like resveratrol, these can make you live longer. They also include numerous anti-inflammatory nutrient benefits (WHFoods.com).

Chia seeds.
A health fad? Possibly. Nutritionally sound? Absolutely. Chia seeds are popular for their Fiber, iron and omega-3 content. They likewise consist of anti-oxidants, calcium and a fair quantity of protein. Fiber content can help increase bowel regularity, in addition to aid in heart and cardiovascular health (in combination with Omega-3s). They can replacement for eggs in vegan cooking when blended with water, sprinkled over salads, contributed to granolas, trail blends and baked items and made into a pudding (MedicalNewsToday.com).

No list of perfect foods would be thought about total without coconut. Step into any grocery store today and you will discover shelves lined with coconut products. Coconut butter, oil, sugar and flour, dried and desiccated coconut, coconut milk, water, cream and coconut aminos. Naturally, there’s the fruit too. Extremely versatile, and with a delightful taste, coconut is any health nut’s dream.

Each item has its own uses and nutritional advantages. From the cholesterol-lowering and anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil, to the hydrating and electrolyte balancing advantages of coconut water, to the protein, protein, iron and potassium source of the coconut itself, coconut is a powerhouse of nutritional benefits, that can be enjoyed in many differing methods (MedicalNewsToday.com, WebMD.com, onegreenplanet.org).